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Pro Logic Computers Case Study

Can you tell us about your organization?

Pro Logic Computers is an IT support company and managed service provider. It is vital for us to to have remote access to devices so we can provide remote assistance.

How has Manager contributed to your organization?

Manager has given us the facility to be able to support customers remotely.

We are now very familiar with the product and it is very customizable; we have created our own single file installer for it, meaning we can send our clients the relevant installer file so they can connect to the correct gateway (we have different gateways set for different clients).

Being a perpetual license helps us justify getting it in the first instance, too, as other solutions have been subscription-based services.

What feature have you been most impressed with?

The ability to use the file manager and the remote command prompt without affecting the user is very impressive.

Furthermore, if we need to deploy an update to a user’s device or change a configuration file, we can do that without asking the customer to stop using their device

Do you have any other comments?

Manager is reliable, quick and easy to use, as well as easy to deploy. It’s a solid product!

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