
Tips to overcome common IT barriers

July 18th, 2023 by

In today’s fast-paced business environment, IT leaders are constantly reacting to challenges while also trying to keep their infrastructure running at peak performance. Discover how to break down the barriers to some common IT challenges!

Need help getting messages across instantly? 

Effective communication is a key skill in the workforce, but what happens when company-wide communication is lacking? To ensure everyone is informed, fill the void with these six ways to improve your company communication!

Plus, find out how a mass communication and alerting solution can help boost communication with messages that cannot be skipped or ignored!

Try Notify for free and enjoy the benefits of fast & trustworthy mass messaging system with acknowledgements.

How do you manage IT assets effectively? 

Keeping up with IT assets has always been a struggle, but it’s even more challenging with employees and devices spread across different locations. Discover how an IT asset management solution can help manage both hardware and software assets all from one central location!

See the full benefits that an ITAM solution can offer and be sure to test out DNA for yourself in your own environment for free.

Need to support remote devices – now what? 

The days of site visits to solve IT challenges are far behind us. Discover how to get secure, seamless remote support and device management to assist users everywhere from anywhere – and see why our customers say, “Manager is a must-have for remote control!”

Find out for yourself why our remote control solution has been relied upon for over 33 years by trying it out for yourself.

Maintain productivity in your company with DNA IT Asset Management software

May 12th, 2023 by

Making remote working as efficient as possible is crucial to maintain productivity levels in your organization. Our DNA remote support tools mean that your IT team can provide support to staff working from home when needed.

DNA not only helps keep devices secure and checks for hardware/software upgrades, but also allows IT teams to deploy apps remotely and deliver remote support and training.

With key features including hardware and software inventory, software distribution, application metering, internet metering, endpoint security and remote control, DNA is the perfect solution to help avoid IT downtime, increase productivity and help your team work more efficiently.

Getting to Grips with Rising Electricity Costs

August 2nd, 2022 by

It’s not easy being a business right now. There’s an energy crisis across a large portion of the world: inflation is rising, relationships are fracturing and supply chains are creaking. Spiraling energy prices aren’t just making it difficult for organizations to meet the cost of their bills; they are, in some cases, bringing them to the brink.

How did we get here?

The wholesale cost of energy has been rising for some years now. There are all sorts of factors at play, including an increasing demand for power across the globe, but the after-effects of the pandemic, weather-related interruptions to supply chains and the effects of the war in Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia have stirred up significant disruption in the energy markets, not just for the immediate EU area, but far beyond.

The situation is uncertain at best. And, as the colder weather kicks in, winter 2022-23 is predicted to be very difficult – and expensive – indeed.

What’s the answer for businesses?

Back in more carefree times, leaving office lights on practically 24/7 used to be the norm for some large organizations. Vending machines, fridges, hand dryers, and dishwashers all contributed to their energy bills but were accepted costs of running the business.

Today, no matter what size your organization is, finding out exactly how you use energy is a priority. It’s the only way to see where you can eliminate waste and adjust things to be as energy efficient as possible. Solutions such as motion detection or LED lighting, or timers to switch off unused appliances at night can create savings that all add up.

Surprisingly, not everyone is careful

If you’re in the habit of powering your PC down after you’ve finished your day’s work in the office, you may be surprised to learn that some of your colleagues simply don’t bother. That’s right: somehow, it’s ok to do that at work, but they’d never dream of it at home (or maybe they would?!). Over time, the cost of those left-on PCs mounts up, and what for? It’s a complete waste of energy that can be avoided.

How can DNA help?

No, nobody needs to go around every single office in your organization to power down left-on PCs. Technology can do that for you – ta-da!

If you’re an existing customer of our IT Asset Management solution, DNA, ensure you are using its energy monitoring and power management tools to become aware of your pattern of use and help tackle rising costs. The Energy Monitoring module shows you a summary of potential energy wastage across your organization – and then you can set up Power Management policies to power down PCs at the end of the day or when they have been inactive for a set time.

And if you haven’t yet joined our DNA club but are considering implementing an ITAM solution shortly, check out the evidence that reveals why so many companies love it.

Additional Resources

Keeping the Bad Guys Out of Your Company’s Systems

February 3rd, 2022 by

As business technology has evolved, so too has the number of ways cybercriminals can hack in! 

Managing IT assets isn’t as simple as it used to be, with just a hardware and software inventory spreadsheet to be kept up to date. Things have moved on and, these days, organizations have an overwhelming number of IT tools and services to manage and keep track of.

Over recent years, companies have added mobile devices, smartphones that can access business systems and data, virtual computing, cloud-based solutions, and services, as well as adopting BYOD policies. The average organization’s technology web has spread far and wide.

Alongside this, cybercriminals have become more and more sophisticated, constantly developing new ways to hack into business computer systems. Whether it’s ransomware, DDOS, MitM, or phishing attacks, it only takes one weak endpoint for a cybercriminal to be able to find their way into a company’s systems.

No business wants to go through the inconvenience of being hacked, with the potential loss of downtime, funds, customers, and reputation that can bring.

Deflect the blows with an ITAM shield

Without effective management of a company’s technology, each new item it adds becomes a potential entry point cybercriminals can exploit. An effective ITAM solution can help IT teams to manage these vulnerabilities effectively to keep networks and data safe.

Since the onset of the pandemic, the situation has been further complicated by the need for some employees to use their own devices for work during lockdowns – and if these don’t have antivirus installed or access work systems via a VPN, it’s potentially game on for hackers!

For any business, regardless of size, comprehensive hardware and software inventories are critical components of IT security plans. Knowing what devices the organization has, where they are, how old they are and whether they’re approaching their end of life means technicians can monitor them and choose to update, repurpose or retire them – at exactly the right times. Plus, with employees often now using multiple devices in the course of their work, it’s vital companies have a way to record the solutions in play, as well as operate a thorough management system to prevent any unauthorized installations. 

Prepare and protect

No ITAM solution can guarantee to stop cybercriminals. But what they can do is help IT teams to monitor, manage, and secure company systems and make it a lot more difficult for the bad guys to get in. 

DNA is an ITAM solution for SMEs that is scalable and flexible enough to grow with your company. With all the regular ITAM features you’d expect, plus a suite of proactive and automated tools on top, it can help keep your company’s IT safe, secure, and organized.