
City of Dickenson Case Study

July 12th, 2022 by

Tell us a bit about City of Dickinson…

City of Dickinson is the local government for Dickinson, North Dakota. Dickinson sits in Stark County and has a population of over 20,000.

What IT challenges were you trying to solve?

We wanted a product that would not only track our user’s internet usage but also allow us to filter what sites they have access to, helping keep staff on task and productive.

How is DNA currently being used in your organization?

We are currently using DNA to track internet and application usage, to restrict internet usage, and to track some of our hardware assets. The internet and application metering tools allow us to track what websites and applications our staff are using, when they are using them and how long they’re using them for. We can also create lists of approved and restricted URLS so we ensure staff stay on track and productive during working hours. It provides robust reporting capabilities that keep staff accountable for the sites they are visiting during work hours, as well as ensuring that business resources are only used for business purposes. When it comes to our hardware assets, DNA’s Hardware inventory tools allow us to track and manage our assets and see important information from one central place.

Why did you choose DNA?

We found DNA to be more user-friendly and robust than the alternative products offered by other vendors that we tried during our testing phase. Plus, it’s affordable and has lots of useful features.

How/where has DNA added value?

DNA for us is used in a manner to keep staff more accountable for their usage of technology, which in turn means more time spent on work and less spent surfing the web. It’s not only helped increase staff productivity and performance, but our IT staff have also found it really easy to use.

Would you recommend DNA?

Yes, definitely!

Nashville Circuit Court Case Study

May 15th, 2018 by

My view of Notify:

We were looking for a solution that would be great for sending notifications to our users in the court. We chose Notify because we found that it was so easy to deploy and use – more so than most other software of its kind.

We use Notify for emergency notifications in the event of adverse weather or active shooter situations. We use it internally to send notifications out to let staff know things such as the office closing early, any problems with email, or system issues. Notify is great and has been very helpful getting messages out to people who need to see them.

About the court:

The mission of the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is to diligently and professionally serve the needs of the Courts, legal community and citizens of Davidson County, Tennessee, through ethical values, personal service, integrity, transparency, and technology to achieve an unmatched level of efficiency and customer satisfaction.